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December 19, 2023
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加拿大的许多采矿和配套建设项目都在加拿大的传统领土上进行, and in close proximity to, Indigenous communities. 作为支持采矿业和建筑业的参与者, SMS Equipment与土著社区的关系一直在有机地发展,公司的价值观强调了创造和培养关系的承诺. Leanne Hawco, SMS Equipment's Program Manager for Sustainability, 解释了SMS设备如何与土著社区合作,以及这对公司意味着什么.


Why are relationships with Indigenous communities important?

答案很简单:我们致力于参与推动真相与和解. 了解我们过去和现在的真相,共同努力建设一个更美好的明天是前进的唯一道路. 致力于真相与和解对于所有相关人员的可持续未来至关重要, 这是至关重要的,因为我们非常关心彼此以及我们生活和工作的社区.


这是关于商界在和解之旅中的角色,以及加拿大真相与和解委员会(Truth and reconciliation Commission of Canada)发出的“行动呼吁”——其中一个直接呼吁SMS Equipment作为企业公民.

Call to Action 92. 我们呼吁加拿大的企业部门通过《韦德娱乐1946》作为和解框架,并应用其原则, norms, 以及涉及土著人民及其土地和资源的公司政策和核心业务活动的标准. This would include, but not be limited to, the following:

I. Commit to meaningful consultation, building respectful relationships, and obtaining the free, prior, 以及在进行经济发展项目之前征得土著人民的知情同意.

II. Ensure that Aboriginal peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities in the corporate sector, 土著社区从经济发展项目中获得长期可持续的利益.

III. 为管理人员和员工提供有关土著人民历史的教育, including the history and legacy of residential schools, 《韦德娱乐1946》, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. 这将需要基于技能的跨文化能力培训, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.

SMS设备积极强调和重视我们与土著社区和土著企业的关系. While we do not often publicize our efforts, we are incredibly proud of our foundation, 使我们能够真正地与社区和企业一起成长,并获得共同创造的有影响力的机会. 在我们继续和解之旅的过程中,我们期待着未来, but in reality, it's only just begun.



Early in my career and while growing up in Fort McMurray, 我注意到矿业和建筑行业的杰出领导人,他们真正重视与土著企业家合作,并支持他们的增长能力. 麦克默里堡也是东北阿尔伯塔原住民商业协会的所在地, 它是由一群当地土著企业家于1993年建立的, including David Tuccaro, one of Canada's most successful Indigenous entrepreneurs. There were only eleven Indigenous business members then; within twenty-five years, 该协会已从最初的几家发展到近100家. 这种显著的增长反映了土著社区的复原力, entrepreneurial spirit, and strong alliances with the surrounding industries.

How can corporations help Indigenous communities?

Listen and learn first. 在此基础上,重点支持向建立和促进与土著企业有意义的关系和融合的积极转变. 它是关于与土著社区接触,以确定支持增长的方法, sustainability, and inclusiveness. 这是关于关心社区和社区里的人,以及持久的公平准入和机会. It's about reciprocity.

A phrase delivered to our team by our friend, the Founder of Rise Consulting, an Indigenous-owned national organization, "Nothing about us without us,这让我产生了深刻的共鸣,这意味着我要积极与土著人民交谈, listening, and learning before acting. 你必须敲门、握手、打电话. Then, 对话变成了一起工作,了解对该地区的社区和人民来说什么是重要的.

SMS Equipment participates in reciprocal relations, which is the step to growing together, learning from the past, building lasting relationships, and supporting each other on the path of reconciliation.

How is all this changing SMS Equipment?

我们参与的基础是SMS设备多年来一直在做的事情,而没有受到关注. We work with our customers, employees, 以及以尊重和真诚的方式根植于我们价值观的社区, which has been why we have grown. 我们越来越关注土著居民的参与,这是我们的许多领域之一 sustainability program that we are committed to improving continuously. 我们在可持续发展框架下关注的五大支柱包括环境, people development, health and safety, social engagement, and governance. Why prioritize sustainability? Because it's the ethical choice — caring for the Earth, nurturing our economy, and fostering a sense of community, both now and for future generations. It's the right thing to do.

The bottom line

与土著人民建立更牢固的关系并实现真相与和解已成为加拿大的优先事项. 像SMS设备这样的公司在传统的领土上运营, and in close proximity to, 土著社区在推动这一对话方面处于最前列. There is much to learn from Indigenous communities, SMS设备致力于走在前列,因为我们都在努力建设一个更好的加拿大.

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